Sunday 19 July 2009

Family and the like.

Family and the like.
Is it me or is it true that with age your relationships with the rents seem to get worse? Take me back to the good ol' days of going to the park after dinner for a full half an hour then racing your parents back home before it gets too dark.Lucky for me I never really grew up with a father figure in my life, my mother was very good at the string of failing relationships, that has somehow seemed to have afflicted itself on me in my adulthood. But I remember the grumpy boyfriend, always blamed things on you or your younger sibling, apparently i quote "He couldn't figure out if i was trying to annoy him with my constant partying." aswell as "How long have you got left in the sixth form, I just cannot wait to leave this town with your mother and move to Devon. Thank god you will be at University, so you will have hopefully grown up by then."Always trying to make jabs at the way I live my life, bloodey marvellous.And when your mother tells you that the puppy she bought you for christmas is no longer your as you "just don't seem to care about it anymore." it really pisses me off.Why do parents set up these silly rules? Is it so they can see their children suffer throughout their childhood. All I bloodey remember about my teens would be the embarrasment to bring a guy home with me, just for the evening or so, and have my mum slowly lingering in the corner as if to keep and eye on me and then make the whole situation very awkward.I guess I will have to understand one day if I want to have children, god forbid if that day ever comes, but untill then I guess I just have to continously take the stick from my parents about the way i decided to live my life, and if they don't like it?STUFF THEM.

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